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15 Best Android Apps for Writing To Become A Pro Writer

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March 2nd, 2023

Word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs are widely available and suitable if you only need to scribble down some ideas. But they weren’t made to produce writing of a professional caliber. 

The good news is that many unique Android apps for writing are available to make your business successful, as detailed in the 15 Best Android Apps for Writing to Become a Pro Writer. Apps are created to aid authors of diverse backgrounds as a result. 

You should keep in mind that Google Docs is a fantastic option because it is free, syncs with all devices, and was created for Android, which is an essential aspect of Mobile App Usability Testing. However, Google Docs alone cannot provide you will all the different features. 

There are a few features that you would need for an Android App for Writing only. To help you choose a writing app for your projects, book writing studios analyze some of the other top Android Apps for Writing for you.

What is an Android App for Writing? 

Writing a book takes a lot of planning and regular editing, which is a lengthy and challenging process. All books go through a lot of preparation and editing that you don’t see. 

Therefore, you need Android apps to make the procedure simpler, and understanding the Mobile App Development Challenges can provide further insights. Many apps are available to increase the effectiveness of your writing process. The correct Android App for Writing may simplify a difficult job, just like with other writing endeavors. 

You can organize and edit your work with these tools. Because you’ve written better copy, thanks to being organized, using these programs will cut down on the time it takes to edit your work. Although it will never be easy, writing a book with Android Apps for Writing can be more straightforward.

Why do writers search for the best writing app for Android?

The most significant benefit of adopting an eBook writing tool for digital publishers is that they may use all of its features without spending much money on creating their apps by hiring Android app development services. Additionally, because the Android App for Writing tools allow them total control over how they develop and distribute information, they also stand to gain in terms of time, effort, and money.

1- Analytics tools 

The Android Apps for Writing also contains built-in analytics and measurement features, which are crucial for Methods to Increase Your Business Productivity Through Mobile Apps. These features allow you to check reports and examine data to learn how frequently people download your material. Moreover, these apps also allow you to see on what kinds of devices and in what regions these data were downloaded.  

This enables designers and content producers to carefully examine users’ content consumption habits. And then, they make the necessary adjustment based on those outcomes.

You can acquire audience behavior reports from Android App for Writing that give you a detailed picture of your audience’s preferences. You can use this information to develop a better plan for your content.

2- Benefiting from Cost Savings 

Your business can save money by utilizing a responsive authoring solution, as can be seen in the cost-effective strategies discussed in How to Make Money from Your Phone in 2023. This is so that you may build for a variety of devices without having to physically own them all. You will quickly run out of money if you have to buy every device and different versions of them only to make sure that your software functions appropriately on them.

3- Rapid Personalization 

There is increased demand for digital publishers to update their existing content to keep up with the rising information. These Android Apps for Writing can be updated more quickly and efficiently than a traditional book in this situation. The authoring software’s customization features make it easier to update current course materials with only a few mouse clicks.

4- Speeding up 

You and your company will both benefit greatly from having a responsive authoring tool. App developers have to manually test their programs on each target device before the invention of responsive development. This required sending the files to each target device and evaluating each page in various orientations and resolutions.

5- Simple-to-Use Options 

The eBook production tool’s drag-and-drop functionality makes it usually simple to construct interactive eLearning content, enhancing the User Experience in 2023. The greatest way to keep readers interested in your information is with interactive elements, and Android App for Writing makes it quite simple to incorporate interactive multimedia. You can include graphics, videos, animations, and other third-party content like Google and Maps.

How to find the best Android apps for writers? 

Consider your writing requirements before choosing and purchasing an app, and explore the Best Mobile App Development Tools in 2023 to find the ones that suit your needs. Are you a fiction, nonfiction, technical, generalist, or book writer? Which type of content be you produce in the long term? Do you require a program that checks your grammar at every stage, or do you want to work in a distraction-free environment? Pick the apps that are tailored to your needs, and think about combining them. 

The Top 15 Android Apps for Writing

Professional authors use numerous apps to create their novels. Many writers use mobile devices to manage their writing assignments. 

So Let’s talk about the best writing app for Android for those portable devices. These are our picks for the top best Android apps for writers:

1- LivingWriter


A more recent writing tool for Android devices and the internet is called LivingWriter. It assists authors in organizing storylines and stories using boards and templates as opposed to utilizing a word processor. 

Several outline templates for well-known story frameworks like the Hero’s Journey are also included in Living Writer. It is an excellent option for short stories and novels. A 14-day free trial is available without a credit card.

2- Scripture 


As one of the handfuls of the best Android writing app that allows you to flip the backdrop color with the font color, Scripture is considerably more straightforward and minimalistic. You can achieve the look that some people love with a darker background and lighter characters. 

It ends up being an app far more suited to folks who want to take quick notes without a bother because it doesn’t offer as many editing or formatting features. To download it, click on this link.

3- Evernote 


Several different writing and embedding possibilities are available in the popular writing tool Evernote. You can group related notes using Evernote’s folder structure. Similarly, you can use their tags for this purpose. 

You don’t need to be concerned about Evernote crashing or glitching because it has been around for a while. You can make several notes, make minor formatting adjustments, and write rapidly while on the go with Evernote.

Additionally, you may embed and integrate different types of media into notes, allowing you to include all the research, images, videos, and other materials you might require.

4- Prowritingaid


Top on the list of the best free writing apps is Prowritingaid, which is a very well-known program. It is beneficial to refocus attention on creating original, practical, and engaging material, which is a crucial goal when producing commercial copy. 

By scanning your entire text in a matter of seconds, our solution saves you the time and effort of manually checking your work for problems such as redundant words and other typos. Prowritingaid may help you improve the tone of your writing and create better content for better outcomes.

5- IA Writer 

IA Writer

Next up is IA Writer, an application that immediately demonstrates to have an incredibly well-built interface, particularly for touchscreens, as most of the commands may readily be done this way.

It allows you to create texts efficiently and even supports online storage services. It also includes some excellent text editing and formatting capabilities, which you don’t typically see in programs like this.

6- Grammarly 


Whatever writing style you like, Grammarly can help you significantly in creating your content to be better. It features an Android keyboard, too, which can be ideal for always writing perfect grammar with no mistakes. 

Even if using a virtual keyboard to write isn’t always the ideal option, Grammarly makes it possible. The ability of Grammarly to detect typos and grammatical mistakes is its strongest suit.

7- Writer 


Another one of the best writing apps androids in our list of the top writing applications is Writer.

The most significant distinction is that you can’t create folders for your files, and there are fewer formatting options available. Thus, it is designed to enable you to use it whenever you need to write swiftly.

8- Ginger


One of the best apps for writers on Android available today is Ginger. It uses algorithms for natural language understanding. Ginger’s text-recognizing efficiency surpasses that of the majority of other editing writing applications because of its algorithms’ ability to understand the context and find faults in even the most complex parts of a text. 

A popular option among writing apps for Android and iOS, the service is also offered as a cross-platform mobile application.

Ginger’s capability to link with your social networking accounts and Gmail inbox is a significant benefit. With the aid of a handy embedded service, you can type up your social media posts and emails precisely. And while doing so, you can verify everything in real time, eliminating the need to copy and paste the text.

9- Character Story Planner 2. 

Character Story Planner 2

One of the top book-writing applications for Android in the Play Store is Character Story Planner 2. This program is an excellent tool for individuals wishing to write novels and short stories. You might find this funny, but this app was created as a tabletop gaming game (for “Dungeons and Dragons”) 

With this software, you may develop settings, stories for your characters, and even magical spells. This program is for you if you need to create an entire planet as part of a piece of writing.

10- Novelist


If you want to create a novel, one of the most well-known writing platforms to attempt is Novelist. You can add chapters, characters, events, and categories with the help of the sophisticated capabilities offered by this app. 

Only Novelist, out of other creative writing applications, can provide you with a realistic writing experience due to the systematic process. Start by selecting a template, adding a book, and describing it. You can also write a title and synopsis for each scene. 

Besides goal-setting, dark mode, and EPUB and HTML formats, writing tools also include those.m the only two things that are a huge drawback of the Novelist are that there is no cloud synchronization, and it doesn’t help in creating a whole manuscript.

11- JotterPad 


The free edition of JotterPad is designed exclusively for authors. It can aid in creating scripts, novels, and other kinds of writing. Using the no-distraction mode, you can shut out distractions and enter a focused state. 

Other features include a word count, a dark mode, and cloud storage support. You can also use the split-screen mode to work on two documents simultaneously.

12- Writer Plus

Writer Plus

The Writer Plus software offers features including headers, text formatting, night mode, and word counters and is appropriate for all types of writers. With the help of this excellent app, users can easily access their documents.



13- Pluot 


Pluot will be helpful to you if you’re the kind of Novelist who likes to develop a cast of characters with a wide range of plots. This program is meant to assist you with outlining your tale and organizing your characters. These characters will also interact with one another and the outside world, plot structure, and everything else a helpful tool like this may provide!

14- Markor


One of the most popular apps with which Android users can write for free is Markor. It is as easy and plain as they come, and You can write HTML rather rapidly because it supports Markdown (an ideal use case for bloggers). 

The software is a simple writing tool that enables you to create notes, to-do lists, and straightforward documents. It also allows you to create PDFs out of your work.

Finally, it allows you to change the font’s color and size. This is a simple software that does the job and has offline support.

15- Pure Writer

Pure Writer

Pure Writer For a distraction-free writing experience, Pure Writer is a simple writing app for Android that includes a quick plain text and markdown editor. Thanks to its user-friendly design, you can easily explore the space, line, and paragraph functions. 

In the eyes of Pure Writer, simplicity conceals intricacy. Your work is encrypted using your fingerprints, a swipe-to-collapse keyboard, and a variety of other features.

Critical Elements Dissected


Writing Apps for Android Features Benefits
LivingWriter Storyline Organization, Templates Effective Novel Planning
Scripture Minimalistic Interface, Dark Mode Quick Note-Taking
Evernote Note Grouping, Tagging, Media Embedding Diverse Writing & Embedding Options
Prowritingaid Grammar & Style Analysis Enhanced Writing Tone
IA Writer Efficient Text Creation, Online Storage Support Touchscreen-Friendly Interface
Grammarly Grammar Correction, Android Keyboard Improved Writing Accuracy
Writer Simplified Interface for Swift Writing Distraction-Free Environment
Ginger Natural Language Understanding, Social Integration Contextual Text Recognition
Character Story Planner 2 Character & Story Development Novel & Short Story Planning
Novelist Chapter, Character, Event, and Category Management Systematic Novel Creation
JotterPad No-Distraction Mode, Word Count, Dark Mode Focused Writing Environment
Writer Plus Headers, Text Formatting, Night Mode Accessible Document Management
Pluot Character & Plot Outlining Interactive Story Development
Markor Markdown Support, Simple Writing Tool Quick Note & Document Creation
Pure Writer Distraction-Free Writing, Encryption Secure and Simple Writing Experience



Are you an aspiring author and want to be a pro writer? Then enhance your skills with insights from GenZ and Mobile Apps: Things You Must Know. Then we hope that out of the above 15 best writing apps for Android, something suits you. These apps are great and will help you bring your inner Writer out and significantly improve your writing.

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