What Is the Difference Between Epic User Stories and Tasks?

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What Is the Difference Between Epic User Stories and Tasks?

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March 15th, 2024

This article will teach us what makes epic user stories and tasks different and why they matter. By the end, you’ll see how understanding these differences makes building software smoother and faster.

Epic User Stories

Think of epic user stories as big, important tasks in a video game. These are the main missions you need to complete to win the game. They are big jobs that take more time and effort. Epic user stories help everyone understand the big goals of creating software. For example, if we make an app, an epic user story could be like “Make the app easy for anyone to use.” This big goal will have many smaller steps to make it happen.

Sometimes, choosing the right tool to build an app is like picking the best sports equipment. If you choose the wrong one, playing the game gets harder. This is where knowing about Flutter vs. ReactJS comes in. It’s like deciding whether soccer shoes or basketball shoes are better for the game you’re playing. Each one is good for a different reason. Flutter and ReactJS are tools that help build apps, but they do it in their special ways.


After understanding epic user stories, let’s focus on tasks. Think of tasks as small work that must be done to complete a big mission. If the epic user story is to make the productivity software application easy for anyone to use, a task might be to create a button that is easy to find. Tasks are the tiny steps you take to reach the end of a game level. They are much smaller than epic user stories and take less time to finish.

Each task has a clear goal and is something one person or a small team can do quickly. It’s like having a checklist for a school project. Each item on the list is one small job you must do to finish the project. The big project, or the epic user story, is complete when all these small jobs or tasks are done.

Many small tasks make it easier for teams to see how much work they have done and how much is left. It also helps them ensure they don’t forget the small steps needed to complete the big missions.

Key Differences Between Epic User Stories and Tasks

Now, let’s look at how epic user stories and tasks are different from each other. First, epic user stories are big. They cover a large part of what we want the app to do. Tasks, on the other hand, are small. They are the steps we take to make the epic user story come true.

Epic user stories are like the chapters of a book. Each chapter tells a part of the big story. Tasks are like the paragraphs in those chapters. Each paragraph adds more to the story, helping to finish the chapter.

Another big difference is time. Completing an epic user story takes longer because it comprises many tasks. Tasks can be finished quickly, sometimes in a day or even a few hours.

Understanding these differences helps teams organize their work better. They can break down big jobs into smaller ones, making it easier to see progress. It also helps them ensure they don’t miss any important steps.

In the domain of creating apps, this organization is very important. It helps the people making the app and The App Founders know how the project is going. By breaking down the work into epic user stories and tasks, everyone can stay on the same page and work towards the same goals.

The Importance of Distinguishing Between the Two

Knowing the difference between epic user stories and tasks is very important. It helps everyone making the app understand what needs to be done. Working together becomes easier when everyone knows the big goals and the small steps to get there.

This clear understanding helps in planning. It makes it possible to guess how long the work will take and how many people are needed. It also helps in setting clear goals for each part of the project. This way, the work can be shared fairly among the team members, ensuring no one is too overwhelmed.

So, understanding these differences does more than just help plan the project. It brings the team together, helps decide on app development tools, ensures everyone knows what’s happening, and keeps the project moving forward. This way, the big goals set at the start can be reached successfully.

Practical Examples in Software Development

Using epic user stories and tasks correctly is a big help when working on software development. Let’s talk about how they are used in real work without giving specific examples.

In making software, first, big goals are set. These are the epic user stories. They tell us what the software should do in the end. Then, these big goals are broken down into smaller pieces, the tasks. These tasks are the specific things that developers do to make the software work as planned.

Doing this helps everyone stay organized. The developers know what they need to do each day. The managers can see how the work is going and if the project is on schedule. And very importantly, it helps the app funder see how their money is used to make it.

This method of breaking down the work makes big projects less hard. Instead of looking at a huge job that seems impossible, the team can tackle small tasks individually. This way, step by step, the big goals are met, and the software gets built.


Understanding the difference between epic user stories and tasks is vital in software development. Epic user stories are the big goals that show what the app is supposed to do. Tasks are the small steps that help us reach those big goals.

This way of organizing work helps everyone involved. It ensures the team knows what to do and helps keep the project on track. It’s a key part of making great software that people will love to use.

So, remembering the difference between epic user stories and tasks is a big part of making an app. It helps turn big ideas into real software that can do amazing things.

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