Redux vs. MobX: Which performs better?

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Redux vs. MobX: Which performs better?

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March 15th, 2024

In web development, especially when working within the React ecosystem, developers often find themselves at a crossroads when deciding how to manage the state of their applications. 

Two of the most talked-about players in this realm are Redux vs. MobX. Both have their proponents and detractors, but when it comes down to it, the burning question remains: Between Redux and MobX, which one truly performs better?

Understanding the importance of state management is crucial. It’s the backbone supporting dynamic content changing on the fly, reacting to user interactions, data fetching, and more. Hence, making an informed choice in this arena can significantly impact your application’s efficiency, scalability, and ease of debugging.


Redux is known for its simplicity, predictability, and great ecosystem. It’s built on three fundamental principles: 

  • The entire state of your application is stored in an object tree within a single store
  • The state is read-only and changed through pure functions called reducers
  • Changes are made with predictable functions called actions.

The beauty of Redux lies in its simplicity and predictability. Every change is traceable, making debugging and testing simpler. However, this can also lead to boilerplate code, and managing a single large state object for complex applications can get cumbersome.


On the other side of the spectrum, we have MobX, which takes a more automatic approach to state management through observable state objects. MobX tracks changes and updates the UI seamlessly. It’s like magic; you modify your state, and MobX updates everything that relies on it.

MobX is praised for its simplicity and minimal boilerplate, making it a favorite for those who prefer a more hands-off approach to state management. However, it introduces concepts of observables and reactions that might be new to some developers.

Evaluating the Performance: Redux vs. MobX: 

When comparing Redux vs. MobX in terms of performance, it’s pivotal to remember that “better” is context-dependent. Performance can be measured in many ways: 

  • How quickly can the library respond to state changes?
  • How efficiently does it rerender the components?
  • How does it impact the overall user experience?

Redux’s Approach to Performance

Redux’s performance is closely tied to how you structure and handle updates to your store. When an On-Demand App Development Agency builds large applications, choosing Redux can impact the app’s speed and efficiency. Since every state change flows through a single pipeline — actions being dispatched to reducers, then updating the store — there’s a clear path that every change follows.

This makes performance optimization somewhat straightforward, as you can implement memoization and carefully manage selector functions.

However, the single-store concept can become a bottleneck for large applications with complex states, slowing down the responsiveness as the application scales.

MobX’s Performance Strategy

MobX, with its reactive nature, shines in scenarios where state changes are frequent and scattered throughout the app. Since it updates only the parts of the application that are directly affected by the state change, it can lead to more efficient rendering cycles.

This model is especially beneficial in complex applications where the state is deeply nested or when there are numerous state-dependent computations.

The trade-off with MobX is the potential for over-optimization. Since MobX automatically manages dependencies, it’s easy to overlook how many components or computations react to state changes. This can lead to unexpected performance issues if not carefully monitored.

Real-world Applicability:

Regarding real-world applications, the debate of Redux vs. MobX often takes center stage, especially among developers working on projects of varying scales and complexities like The App Founders

In smaller applications, you might find that both Redux and MobX handle state management adeptly. These tools ensure your app runs smoothly, keeping UI glitches and performance lags at bay. This similarity in performance might make it hard to pick a side based solely on efficiency for smaller projects.

However, as you transition to larger, more complex applications, the Redux vs. MobX debate becomes increasingly significant. With its clear and structured approach to data flow and state transitions, Redux ensures that applications are scalable and maintainable.

Its predictability is a boon for development teams, especially in environments where multiple hands are on deck. Yet, this structured approach may demand more optimization efforts to maintain swift performance as the app grows.

Conversely, MobX brings a “magical” simplicity to the table with its reactive system that automatically tracks changes and updates the UI accordingly. This can lead to better performance with fewer lines of code. 

However, the convenience of MobX’s automatic tracking might introduce complexity in large-scale application management, potentially making it a double-edged sword.

Making a choice: Redux vs. MobX

Choosing between Redux and MobX transcends mere performance metrics; it’s a decision that deeply impacts how your team works and your application scales and evolves. Here’s a more nuanced look at making this critical decision:

  • Opt for Redux if your project’s success hinges on clear data flow and predictable state transitions. Redux’s architecture is especially conducive to large-scale applications where managing a complex state in a centralized manner is paramount. Additionally, if your development team is large or has varied levels of expertise, Redux’s structure can provide common development frameworks that ease collaboration and onboarding.
  • Choose MobX if you like simple and elegant things. It’s great for projects that don’t need all parts of the app to share every piece of information. If your app has different parts handling their data or you have complicated data structures, MobX can make things easier. It updates your app automatically when data changes, so you don’t have to write much extra code. This makes MobX perfect for teams that like to keep things straightforward or want to get started with reactive programming.

The Redux vs. MobX Decision in Practice

Making the Redux vs. MobX choice involves a deep understanding of your project’s needs, your development team’s dynamics, and your application’s long-term vision. It’s about more than just picking app development tools; it’s about choosing a pathway that aligns with your project’s and team’s strengths and preferences.

Redux is ideal for teams seeking structure, predictability, and a comprehensive ecosystem supporting a centralized state management pattern. MobX suits scenarios where ease of coding and reactivity.


The answer isn’t black and white in the quest to find the superior state management library between Redux vs. MobX. Each has its strengths and responds differently under various conditions.

Performance is crucial, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. When choosing, consider factors like team familiarity, project requirements, and long-term maintenance. Whether you choose Redux for its predictability and structure or MobX for its simplicity and reactivity, both libraries have proven to be robust choices for managing state in modern web applications.

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